EXACTLY, money is not nothing. I’m also in disbelief at this nonchalant attitude, as if it were simply air, available for all who simply decide to step outside.

I often wonder if the well-off truly think they’re just better, harder-working, more talented, etc., or if they’re actively afraid and using that “it’s all so easy” attitude as a cover. One thing I have realized though, is that many seem clueless about the lack of opportunities for most, saying things like “You can invest with as little as 20k and make it grow!” not realizing that 20k might as well be 5 billion for most people.

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I'm watching the second season of the Bear and all I can think about is how, in order to show what opening/operating a restaurant in a humane way looks like, even with a Michelin stared chef who presumably has a reputation in the culinary world, they had to bring in a mafia uncle who has money coming out of his pores and is inexplicably generous. That seemed more realistic than applying for a grant or a loan. You can't pursue your dream if you don't have money, and money doesn't come to you unless you have money (or connection). So of course we (including myself) all hold onto what we have, refuse to share enough when there are people dying on the street, and rule against collective action as our planet is boiling. I know we have to start somewhere, and the only way forward is to believe in and work on the change (at a minimum to maintain our sanity), but it is also hard sometimes not to feel like this is how we'll walk straight to our own demise.

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